Mission Statement & Gallery Focus

The Volakis Gallery represents well established artists in the fields of photography, painting and sculpture. The primary focus of the gallery is to exhibit work that explores the following topics: the ephemeral nature of existence, metaphysics, ontological mysticism, Jungian archetypal imagery, existential humanism, wabi sabi and other esoteric themes. We exhibit the work of artists that eschew modern technological production methods, preferring to exhibit works that exude a high degree of physical craftsmanship and novelty. In addition to exhibiting contemporary work, we have curated shows by acknowledged masters who we feel have explored the aforementioned themes and concepts and to further correlate their continuing influence on contemporary art.

Submission Policy

The Volakis Gallery accepts submissions on a continual basis. Please submit your work on a CD or thumb drive, including an artist statement, curriculum vitae and other pertinent documents, along with prepaid postage for return of materials. You may also submit work by email with a link to your website. The Volakis Gallery will not assume responsibility for the return of any material submitted. Please do not contact the gallery regarding the status of your submission. If we are interested in your work we will respond accordingly. We receive hundreds of submissions each year and do not have the resources to respond personally to every submission. Thank you for your consideration. 

Gallery History

The Volakis Gallery was established in 2004 in Yountville California. We have exhibited in internationally vetted art fairs in the following cities; London, Los Angeles, New York, Miami, Chicago, San Francisco and San Diego. In 2009 we transitioned to a by appointment private venue. We are currently located in the historic Napa Box Company building, built in 1903. Volakis Gallery, 421 Walnut Street, Suite 180, Napa CA 94559. 707-320-8796 info at volakisgallery dot com.